“Assam Mustard Greens Recipe or Chai Buay” is really delicious. I love the tangy and spicy taste of home. “菜尾” 真的好吃,我喜欢酸酸辣辣的家里的味道。

And, it’s very easy to cook. Adding “leftover” roasted duck and roasted pork are the typical choices for this dish.

Serves 3-4
Assam Mustard Greens Recipe (Chai Buay 菜尾) Ingredients
- 1 large mustard green (with leaf), cut
- 1 slab of roasted pork belly, thickly sliced
- 1 large tomato, quartered
- 1 large carrot, peeled and cut
- 5-6 slices of assam skins (8-10 slices for more sourish taste which I prefer)
- 6-8 dried chili, soaked and cut
- 4-5 cloves of garlic, peeled
- 2 cups of water, about 600-800ml
- 1 thick sliced of ginger, mashed
- 1 tablespoon of oil
- 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
- 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce
- 1 teaspoon of dark soy sauce
- 1 thumb of rock sugar
- Pinch of salt

Assam Mustard Greens Recipe (Chai Buay 菜尾) Cooking Method
(1) Soak the dried chili in water until softened, then cut into pieces. Cut the mustard green into chunks.
(2) Heat a tablespoon of oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the garlic cloves, ginger slices and dried chili to the pot, sauté until fragrant.
(3) Add the roasted pork slices to the pot and stir-fry until lightly browned.
(4) Add tomato and carrot to the pot. Mix everything together. Pour in enough water to cover the ingredients and bring to a boil.
(5) Add the assam skins to the pot. Season with the oyster sauce, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, and a pinch of salt. Stir well.
(6) Bring the mixture to a boil again, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 1-2 hours, or until the vegetables are tender and the flavors are well combined. Stir occasionally. Heat off. Serve hot with steamed rice.

Chai Buay 菜尾 材料(3-4 人份量)
- 1 大棵芥菜,切块
- 1 排烧肉,厚切
- 1 大个番茄,切成四块
- 1 大个胡萝卜,去皮切块
- 5-6 片酸梅皮(如喜爱较酸口味可用 8-10 片)
- 6-8 根干辣椒,泡软后切段
- 4-5 瓣大蒜,去皮
- 2 杯水,大约 600-800毫升
- 1 片姜,拍松
- 1 汤匙油
- 1 汤匙蚝油
- 1 汤匙生抽
- 1 茶匙老抽
- 1 小块冰糖
- 少许盐
Chai Buay 菜尾 做法:
- 将干辣椒泡软后切段,芥菜切块备用。
- 在大锅中加热 1 汤匙油,用中火将大蒜、姜片和干辣椒爆香。
- 将烧肉加入锅中,翻炒至微微变色。
- 加入番茄和胡萝卜,混合均匀。倒入足够的水,水量要能覆盖食材,煮沸。
- 加入酸梅皮。调入蚝油、生抽、老抽、冰糖和少许盐,搅拌均匀。
- 再次煮沸后,转小火炖煮约 1-2 小时,直至蔬菜变软入味。期间偶尔搅拌。关火。趁热配白米饭食用。

Tips: This 1-dish-meal can be cooked in rice cooker or stew pot. Simply put all the ingredients and seasoning into the pot and slow cook till all cooked and tender.
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