Post & Recipe in English and Chinese (中英食谱)
Cream of Mushroom Soup : Homemade, from scratch. With the best flavor, restaurant standard. It’s not difficult, no flour, no milk and less cream, all needed ingredients are easily available at supermarkets. 奶油蘑菇浓汤 : 全制自作法。在家也能煮出餐厅的水准。无添加面粉,无需牛奶,减用奶油也是这份食谱的特点。这里所需的材料定可在超市买得到的.
I love Cream of Mushroom Soup (奶油蘑菇浓汤)
I wouldn’t say this lightly, it’s definitely one of the best soup dishes to be cooked as a treat to yourself as well as your family. Nothing complicated, I chose 3 types of the common mushrooms, and the combination really yields an extensive flavor, with the right & smooth creamy consistency.
Everyone, small to big, just loves it!

Cream of Mushroom Soup Ingredients
Serves 4
250g fresh Shiitake mushroom, sliced
200g fresh white button mushroom, sliced
100g brown beech mushroom, trimmed root
300ml water
250g chicken stock
100g cooking cream
1 large yellow onion, peeled & diced
3 cloves of garlic, peeled & chopped
2 tablespoons of butter
1/2 teaspoon of salt
Pinch of coarsely ground black pepper
Homemade crouton (1 thick white bread)
Sautéed button mushroom slices (^Set aside from the browning in Step 2)
Italian herbs (bottled type)
Cream of Mushroom Soup Recipe
(1) Sauté Shiitake mushrooms on dry heated pan, medium high fire. Stir occasionally to avoid burnt. The browning of mushrooms is considered done only when the water emitted from the mushrooms has dissipated and aroma releases fully. Dish up.
(2) Repeat step (1) for white button mushrooms, followed by brown beech mushrooms. Dish up. (^Retain and set aside few slices of the browned button mushroom as soup toppings later.)
(3) Using the same pan, add butter and onion, sauté till soft and browned. Add garlic, and return all the browned mushrooms. Stir to combine. Pour in chicken stock and water. Reduce heat to low and let it simmer for 30 minutes. Heat off.
(4) Pour mushroom broth into blender jar, add salt and pepper. Blend until smooth. Transfer mushroom soup to a pot on low heat. Stir in cooking cream (in one direction) until smooth and creamy consistency. Heat off.
(5) Make crouton: Remove crust of all sides. Cut thick bread into cubes. Bake/ air fry at 120deg Celsius for 6-8 minutes, or until crisped. Divide cream of mushroom soup into bowls, garnish and top with mushroom slices and crouton. Serve hot.
奶油蘑菇浓汤 材料
250克 鲜香菇, 切片
200克 鲜白蘑菇,切片
100克 褐本占地菇,去根
300毫升 水
250克 鸡浓汤
100克 烹调专用淡奶油
1粒 黄洋葱,去皮切丁
3瓣 蒜头,去皮切碎
2汤匙 黄油
半茶匙 食盐
煎蘑菇片 (^从步骤1&2取出待用)
奶油蘑菇浓汤 作法
(1) 平底锅中火烧热,煎香切片香姑。偶尔翻翻锅以防炒焦。等炒出的水分收干后並香气扑鼻,便可起锅,备用。
(2) 重复步骤1于鲜蘑菇片,其次于本占地菇片。起锅,备用。(^先取出少许煎蘑菇片待配料用)
(3) 热锅,放入奶油融化后,爆香洋葱。加入蒜蓉和所有煎好的菇类。炒匀。加入鸡汤和水,慢火熬30分钟。熄火。
(4) 把稍凉的蘑菇汤倒入搅拌机,加入盐和胡椒粉,打匀。再倒入锅中,慢火,顺一方向拌入烹调淡奶油至顺滑。
(5) 面包丁:把1片后面包去边切小块。烘烤120度,6-8分钟左右。把汤盛盘,配上烤面包丁和步骤2取出的蘑菇片,加入装饰,即可。
A serving of my cream of mushroom counts 170kcal. 一份蘑菇浓汤摄入的热量大概170卡路里。
Cream of Mushroom Soup Tips:
For more intense flavor, use more chicken stock and less amount of water, as long as the total amount of liquid to be added come up to about 550 – 600g. In the case of increased chicken stock is used, salt may be reduced or omitted at all. Do a taste check before adding the salt.
* May add 10g sour cream into the cooking. I like it sometimes which may lighten up the aftertaste.
* It is necessary to sauté the mushrooms in batches as you do not want to over crowd the pan. Over crowd the pan will make the browning a lot harder.
* Italian herbs in bottle is available at major supermarkets. Spices shelves. Any brand. May opt for freshly chopped herbs, too. Thymes are great in this.
* 可选择性加入10克酸奶油,以便帮助温和余味。
* 香菇蘑菇都必须分批进行煎炒。过多的菇在锅里较难煎香。
* 樽装意大利综合香料可在各大超市(香料部)购买。任何牌子均可。也可选择新鲜香料。建议百里香。
If you like this dish, you can try my other soup dishes too
Such as Papaya Snow Fungus Sweet Soup with Black Sugar
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