Egg Yolk Misozuke Recipe (日式味噌腌蛋黄)
“Tamago Misozuke 卵味噌漬け, a popular preserved pickle in Japan.”
You are going to love the umami flavor of this popular Japanese preserved yolk miso pickle snack! Of course, for it’s attractive appearance of this translucent egg yolk.
Look, how beautiful and glossy the Egg Yolk Midozuke is… and delicious when goes with steamed rice, too!
别想了,比起咸蛋黄,你会更喜欢这款日式腌蛋黄的!看看它晶莹剔透的外表,肯定被吸引到了吧…… 无需来过煮,1-2天后就能享受到其中美味了…… 记住,一定要配饭喔!

Egg Yolk Misozuke Recipe (日式味噌腌蛋黄)
Serving 8
8 egg yolks
500g white miso
3 – 4 tablespoons sake wine
1 teaspoon of sugar
8颗 鸡蛋黄
500克 白味增
3-4汤匙 清酒
1茶匙 糖

Egg Yolk Misozuke Recipe (日式味噌腌蛋黄) Steps:
(1) Add white miso, sake and sugar in a bowl. Mix well. Scoop 2/3 amount of miso mixture in a long container, spread evenly.
(2) Lay a layer of cheesecloth on the miso bed. Use the back of a spoon to create 8 shallow indentions (like a semi circle well) on the miso bed.
(3) Carefully place one egg yolk in each of the indented well.
(4) Spread the remaining miso mixture on another layer of cheesecloth, and gently place it on to cover the yolks. Put on the container lid.
(5) Preserve in the chiller for at least 24 – 48 hours. Remove the old and miso cover. The yolks should already be solidfied and “cooked” by the briny miso content. Enjoy the umami flavour! 😊
(5)放入冰箱保存至少24-48小时。揭盖后,也移开上层的味增布,里头的蛋黄应该已经被味增里的盐分给固定并“煮熟”了。来,享受其鲜味吧! 😊

Tips: Choose white hen eggs, the orangy egg yolks will look even more attractive!
*If you do not have Sake at home, and don’t feel like buying just for this, use Chinese wine or Japanese mirin!
#味噌漬け #misozuke #tamago 🥚
I love my other recipe that is very popular with my readers… Perfect Scrambled Egg Over Easy Recipe. Do try it out too..