This supposed to be one of my dishes for an upcoming cooking contest, but apparently it resembles a “clubbing” dish which commonly found in the menu of pubs and clubs. :D
Well, I still like it as my home cooked. It looks great on the plate and delicious to eat. Try it!
Serves 5
5 pcs of chicken drumlets
Seasoning for chicken (A): Ginger powder, garlic powder, paprika powder, oyster sauce, sugar, sesame oil and chicken granule (optional).
Sauce ingredients:
2 cloves of garlic, minced
2-3 pcs of dried chili, cut small
2 tablespoons of brown sugar
2 tablespoons of honey
1 teaspoon of vinegar
2 tablespoons of light soy sauce
2 – 3 tablespoons of water (add into the chicken marination bowl)
Other ingredients:
1 bowl of potato starch
1 egg (add salt and pepper, beaten)
1 spoon of cashew nuts (deep fried)
1 bowl of cooking oil
Deco/ Garnish:
Green veggie base plating or fresh edible flowers
Dash of white sesame
Utensil required to take note (let me know if you have):
Deep fryer machine or thermometer
Large mesh strainer
Aluminium foil
5个 小鸡腿
腌制调料成分(A):姜粉,蒜粉,辣椒粉,蚝油,糖,麻油,和鸡粉 (选择性)
2瓣 大蒜,切碎
2-3个 干辣椒,切小
2汤匙 红糖
2汤匙 蜂蜜
1茶匙 醋
2汤匙 酱清
2 – 3汤匙 水(加入鸡腌制调料用过的碗里)
1碗 地瓜粉
1颗 鸡蛋(加盐和胡椒)
1碗 食用油
绿菜铺底 或 新鲜食用花卉
油炸机 或 温度计
厨房箝夹 (油炸用的夹)

(1) Use knife to slowly scrape down the meat and skin starting from the end joint bone, flip over the meat over the tip to create a ball at the top just like a lollipop.
(2) Season chicken lollipop with seasoning ingredients (A) for at least 15 minutes.
(3) Deep fry the cashew nuts briefly to enhance the aroma. Set aside.
(4) When chicken lollipops are ready, coat chicken lollipops with potato starch, followed by egg mixture, and dredge in potato starch again. Let the coated chicken lollipops rest for 5-10 minutes.
(5) Heat wok/ deep fryer with oil over medium-high heat (about 180deg celcius), deep fry chicken lollipops. Repeat the frying process once more to enhance its crispiness. Leave chicken lollipops on the mesh strainer to drain out excessive oil. Set aside.
(6) Sauce cooking: Heat wok with oil, sauce garlic and dried chili. Add light soy sauce and water. Add vinegar, sugar and let it simmer till sauce thickens a little. Add honey, and more water if necessary. Let it bring to a boil, return fried chicken lollipops and toss them in thickened sauce. Dish up, wrap the bone tip part with aluminium foil. Do up plating, drizzle remaining sauce and garnish with cashew nuts and sesame seeds. Serve.